In that moment of glorious surrender...
I have these days of control. I do everything my way and say everything that I want to rather than taking a moment to let God influence my choices.
In reality, I should always think of God as I act. He is the One who died for me. He is the One here to light the way for each and every one of us.
Why should I do anything for myself? Why be selfish? Every action, every word of mine, should glorify Him.
So, on these days that I act controlling of my life, that should really be His, I don't always realize what I'm doing.
Other times, I have these moments when I spend my nightly time with Jesus that I'm not living for Him in everything I do. His grace redeemed me. These nights when I see that, I have a moment with God. Just like Jesus' moment of glorious surrender when He died by His Father's will, I surrender to God.
As a Christian, I find myself surrendering to Him a lot. I realize that He is with me. I realize that He is here to love me. I realize that everything I do is insignificant in comparison to Him and His unfailing love.
Right now, I am listening to "Aftermath" by Hillsong United, and I'm fighting back tears. God is here. He is with me. I just... I am in awe.
I'm here because of Him. So, I am here for Him to love through me. When I see someone having a bad day and I smile and say hey, I'm loving that person for Him.
Why don't I do that all the time? Why do I pass someone in the hallway or on the street without even smiling or praying for them or showing any sign of love?
When I realize what my actions could do for each person I influence throughout the day, I long to show them His love. I experience His love in blessings throughout my day, but what if they need that extra act of service? That extra smile? I want to provide them with the love they need.
So, as I listen to "Aftermath," I am letting Him lift me out of the wreckage of my life so I may love God and love people in His name always.
If you're able, take a moment to listen to this song. His love is here to light the way.
"I know You're with me,
I know You're with me here,
and I know Your love will light the way."
Inspiration from "Aftermath" by Hillsong United