Friday, August 10, 2012

Are you comfortable?

Yesterday, Seth King, youth pastor at Countryside Christian Church led a very moving discussion about living as a Christian. The big questions were, "Are you living like you need God? Like you need the Bible?" and, "What are you doing for Christ that makes you uncomfortable?".

Well, these questions got me thinking. Have I been living the cushy life? I have food on the table multiple times a day, I have a home, I have a job and transportation... what am I missing? If I went on with life right now but didn't acknowledge God, would I be able to survive? I think I might. That isn't a good sign.

As a Christian, it is my responsibility to the world to live like Christ and to live like I need Him. If I am not following that, then what am I doing that is for Christ?

That's where things need to change. I'm guessing that many of us like to have life planned out to an extent. We have a plan for the future and we have an ideal lifestyle. Well, what if all of those things that we deem as within our "comfort zone" and within our plan for life began to change?

I suppose talking to people about Christ isn't something all of us find easy and like an everyday sort of occurence. If that's you, like it is me, then maybe we need to start branching out a bit. Sharing the Good News isn't always such a daunting task. Pray about it, ask God to give you the strength you need to bring about change in your circle of influence. Maybe you will end up planting the seed in someone's heart that turns into that tree. That tree could end up sharing God's message with more and more people, planting seeds here and there in the hearts of others.

Imagine one tiny apple seed - that's all it takes to plant a tree. So, if we take the time to plant seeds in people's hearts throughout our lives - maybe just one every month or just as it comes - then the people around us will see our likeness in Christ and that we love people. And that love will spread into more figurative trees.

If you are having trouble with this concept, take a moment to picture someone planting a seed... if you feel like you lack the proper tools to plant seeds in people's hearts, take a moment to ask God for the strength, wisdom, words, or anything you may need to work on to be able to be that disciple of the Lord. "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and him to who knocks, the door will be opened." Matt. 7:7

Then, like the disciples of the Lord from the Bible, maybe a seed that you plant will grow into a beautiful tree, one that has branches to plant seeds in more hearts than you yourself could reach. That is the goal here. If we all step just a bit out of our comfort zones to talk to one or two people every once in a while or just act like Christ, we may be able to plant seeds to grow into trees to spread to more and more people. And just like that, God's Good News can spread beyond our wildest dreams.

Now, what do you think of that? If we all live like we need Christ and step a bit out of our comfort zones, we could reach numerous people with His Word! And even if we only reach one heart, then everything, all of the uncomfortable situations, are worth it.

So, what do you say? Are you with me? Let's go out into the world and live like Christ. Let's show the world what love is and plant some seeds! Maybe it will help one person. Maybe it will help thousands. Either way, making a difference in the Lord is worth everything.

*Pictures found via google images
*Matthew 7:7

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