Monday, January 28, 2013


Sometimes, I have moments of worry, anxiety, or sadness. These moments are often when I think too much about the future without relying on God. I worry over schooling or friendships or family members. One thing that I seem to lose in all of the hubbub of my anxiety-ridden life is God’s love and sacrifice.

Why do I do this? Why can I not just fall to my knees in worship to praise Him that I have life and blessings and people to share them with?

That’s the thing…

I can.

So here I am. I am sharing that my life is not perfect. I do not have everything figured out. I have lapses in faith. But, something that is beyond amazing is this… Grace.

God’s grace is staggering, surreal, and breathtaking. When my anxiety seems to consume me, I can remember this: God sent His ONE and ONLY Son. He sent His Son to DIE.


Jesus came to earth, lived a perfect life, let His disciple turn Him in for crimes He did not commit, and marched up a hill with a wooden cross on His back to the spot He would die. He took the beatings, the lashes, the pain. He took all of it for me. He took all of it for you. Then, He said a few simple words, “Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do.” 

Jesus paid the ultimate price to save us from our own sin.

When I reflect on what He has done, not only His death on the cross, but the blessings He has showered upon my life and the lives of those I know, I can’t help but feel important. He died so I may live. He died so I may love. He died so I may show others what He has done and so they may know the Good News and, in knowing His sacrifice, love Him and love people.

What have I done to deserve this love? Nothing.

That’s the beauty of grace – that it comes whether we earn it or not.

So, whenever I find myself in those moments of weariness, of anxiousness and distress, I can remember that Jesus went through unimaginable pain to save me.

I don’t need the worry in my life; I have Jesus. He is perfect. He is always present. I can cast all my anxiety on Him, because He cares for me.

Thank You, God. Thank You for Your gift of life and for Your love, and for Your Son.

Even though I don’t deserve it, Your grace saves me.

*Verses referenced: Luke 23:34, 1 Peter 5:7

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