Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Closing the book, he glanced around anxiously. He slid it into its hiding place and grabbed his backpack for school.

“Hey, man. Do you wanna chill tonight?”
“Umm... yeah, sure.
“Wait... you aren't gonna hang out at church tonight, are ya?
“No way, man. I don't believe any of that Jesus crap anyway.

Gazing down upon the earth, He wept. Another son fallen, another child led astray.

Two days passed.

Cautiously, he opened the book to a random page. It read, “Do you bring in a lamp to put it under a bowl or a bed? Instead, don’t you put it on its stand? For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open. If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.’”
A tear hit the page, and another.
I can’t live like this anymore. This isn’t me.

“What’s up?”
The invitational greeting was turned down as he walked past the so-called friend.
Despite the calls made by the teen once known, he kept walking.
…with his Bible in his hands.

Sometimes we think that because we read the Bible, we are saved, that because we take in the Word of God, we have no sin. That isn’t true. Reading may make us feel like better people, but unless we live the way we want to and He wants us to, we aren’t doing anyone any good.

“If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.” (Mark 4:23)
Think about it.

Who around us can hear and see what the Lord does in our lives? How many lives could one person touch, just living for the Lord? The staggering amount leaves me breathless. I, one teenage girl, could live as He commands and share the unconditional love of God.

Instead of reading the Bible and sliding it under our beds or running from it and acting otherwise, we can display His love for all to see!

Actions speak louder than words. So, let them hear the deafening cries of praise to our God!

Some may love to live, but let’s try Living to Love.

Just like the young man in this short story, why don’t we walk around showing off the Bible? We don’t have to literally have our Bibles in our hands as we walk down the hallways of our respective schools or workplaces, our peers, coworkers, and friends can see the difference in the way we live if we Love God and Love People with everything we do. Love them until they question you, that way you can tell them why you live like you do!

There is nothing stopping you except your own fears.

Go on, see what He does through you.

It will be good. 

Story written by Jennifer Lewis
Scripture quoted -  Mark 4:21-23

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