Sunday, April 15, 2012

His Light Awaits

Today, I decided to bring the camera on a walk with my dad and sister. God was there, too. I cannot express the awe I feel having captured this photo that stirs my heart and mind.

I love to take pictures of nature, but this one in particular speaks something to me. 

Look closely and you will see that there are a bunch of flowers, some in the shade, some showered by sunlight. But, all of which are beautiful in their own ways. 

These minuscule flowers are us. As humans, we are all unique and different, but all beautiful. 

When Jesus died on the cross for us, he cleansed our souls so we may have a personal relationship with Him. We are purified. He made our hearts white as snow. 

But, that isn't the end. We decide who to stand by, or maybe to stand alone. See the flowers that are all alone in the darkness? That is you and I when we are trying to hide from the Lord, when we want to go our own way, or when we just don't want Him to see the terrible sin in our lives. That is us.  

See the flowers that are growing together into the sunlight? That is us when we spend time diving into His word and learning how to be the best we can be. When we seek companionship from other believers and grow together as a family, we are reaching out to the Lord and to the light that He offers us. 

Do you want to be the flower that stays close to the ground because it is comfortable? Staying away from what could be just to have "control" over your own path in life? When you join hands with those around you and learn about Him, He will shine His light on you. You will be forgiven, you will be cleansed, you will be saved. All you have to do is ask. 

Take the leap, stretch your beautiful self towards the sky, towards Him. You won't regret it.

You are beautiful. You are unique. You have the choice. 

Go for it.

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